Amber Rose Gonzalez

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Amber Rose González is an educator-scholar-activist and Assistant Professor of Ethnic Studies at Fullerton College. She grew up in the San Gabriel Valley and graduated from Alhambra High School. Amber is a board member with Mujeres de Maiz and the CA Latino Leadership Institute. She received her MA and PhD in Chicanx and Feminist Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Dr. González has facilitated numerous workshops and given guest lectures on a variety of social justice topics. Her passion is producing work and creating spaces that empower communities and bring about personal and social transformation.


PhD, Chicanx & Feminist Studies

Workshops Available:

Workshop and lectures for high school to adult, with an emphasis on educational and workplace settings. Sample topics include: Addressing bias in school and the workplace; the value of diversity; student equity and success; personal and group goal setting and transformation; women of color feminisms; Native American mascots and cultural appropriation; Day of the Dead; the Mexican mural movement;  self portraits with Frida Kahlo; Chicano art; and a variety of topics related to social justice, equity, and People of Color and women's history and culture.