Berenice Dimas

Berenice Dimas is a queer xicana, community based sanadora, yerbera, birth supporter, health y wellness educator. She is also the visionary of her herbal medicine line "Cantos De La Tierra" and her  community based herbal medicine education program "Hood Herbalism."


B.A. in Women Studies, B.A. in Ethnic Studies with a concentration in Chicana and Chicano Studies, and a Minor in Latin American Studies from Cal State Fullerton. M.A. in Women Studies from Texas Woman's University


Limpias, Massage, Reiki Energy Healing, Herbalism


Birth support, Vending, Workshops, Skill shares, Platicas, Professional Development for Educators, Youth and community Health and Wellness Support

Workshops Offered:

Herbal Medicine, Yerba, health , and Hood Wellness Education, Healing Ceremonies, Birth Support all QTPOC friendly

Professional Skills:

I'm a professional xingona hustler. I have a background in college readiness for youth, youth advocacy, health and wellness, community organizing, facilitation, mediation, and restorative justice. I am also a former high school teacher and restorative justice coordinator in middle schools.

Contact Information:
